Doppel beats Previous Vendor with a 40% Increase in Takedowns and Proactive Service Delivery

For this L.A. Real Estate Firm, a switch to Doppel has meant 5.5X faster takedown times and superior customer service.
Kevin Tian
June 28, 2024

The Impersonation Problem:

This Real Estate Firm found ineffective customer support and underwhelming results from their previous brand protection provider. Internally, they were often finding brand impersonations before the security vendor.

The Brand Protection Solution:

After being introduced to Doppel, the firm has doubled its platform coverage, and seen an up to 5.5X improvement in takedown speed fueled by better and more comprehensive detections and seamless service delivery.

The Story

Better Detection

Brand image is everything for this prominent Los Angeles metro real estate firm. When its CISO and Corporate Affairs executive started finding executive impersonations, unauthorized brand usage, deepfakes on social media sites, and fictitious websites before their previous brand protection vendor, the firm knew it was time for a change.

Since moving to Doppel, the firm has seen its social media channel coverage increase over 2X, which has meant uncovering digital assets the firm hadn’t planned for. This includes coverage of new platforms like TikTok, Telegram, Pinterest, and Discord, which their previous vendor hadn’t covered.

“That has brought a lot of value,” the CISO said in a recent interview. “You guys have found things that we’ve forgotten about.” Things like YouTube channels, GitHub sites, and use of their brand on third party websites.

“I don’t know if we necessarily would have gotten there if you just handed us the platform, onboarded us in a couple weeks and just let us loose,” The CISO said. 

What has made Doppel effective is its seamless service delivery function, and its hands on customer service.

Service Delivery

On the service side, the relationship wasn’t there, the firm’s Corporate Affairs executive said.

“On top of the technology issue was service. We were looking for (their previous vendor) to provide service, and not just a tool,” the executive said. 

The proactive side of the relationship was non-existent with their previous vendor, and the firm found the automated processes and reports meaningless without context. This rendered periodic update meetings with the vendor to provide little value.  

It was important to them to partner with a nimble brand protection partner that could take their input and add to their security roadmap in a dynamic way. Partnering with Doppel’s Customer Success team has helped the firm build confidence in their ability to protect their brand.

“We’re looking at things that we didn’t look at before,” the Corporate Affairs executive said.

Faster Takedowns

Not only are Doppel’s weekly client meetings more efficient, but the real estate firm has also found that the speed with which Doppel is able to take down malicious content across platforms has helped them sleep a little better.

With their previous vendor, the firm saw only a 37% takedown rate with social media takedowns, and a timeframe for successful takedowns that ranged anywhere from six to 20 weeks.

Doppel, on the other hand, has averaged a 76% takedown rate, and an average of 22 days takedown time on X, less than 5 days average on Facebook, and less than 15 days on TikTok.

This kind of increase in efficacy has allowed the team to focus on broader threats, like a recent malicious website that impersonated one of the firm’s figureheads and attempted to raise money for an erroneous cause.

By partnering with Doppel, the firm was able to takedown the site quickly and prevent any further damage to their brand image. 

“This is the part where detection really does matter,” the CISO said. “When you actually do the investigation and peel back all the layers, you find the core of all these threat actors.”

Doppel and the firm worked together and kept the firm’s brand safe.

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